Sunday, September 22, 2024

The RIGHT profession

 Zechariah 7:9-10

King James Version

9 Thus speaketh the Lord of hosts, 


Execute true judgment, 

and shew mercy and compassions 

every man to his brother:

10 And oppress not the widow, 

nor the fatherless, the stranger, nor the poor; 

and let none of you imagine evil 

against his brother in your heart.

I'd make a terrible spy.

I'd be found out right away.

I'd make a terrible surgeon.

I can't cut people up.

I'd make a terrible detective.

I cannot investigate murders.

I'd make a terrible lawyer.

I cannot defend liars.

I'd make a terrible businessman.

I cannot gain from another person's loss.

I'd make a terrible fashion designer.

I cannot uphold vanity.

I'd make a terrible architect.

I have no patience for client's whims.

I'd make a terrible social media manager.

I do not wish to promote lies, pride, and vanity.

I'd make a terrible president of a nation.

I'd be angry all the time, seeing the corruption around me.

But I'd make a better Bible teacher.

For I love GOD's WORD so much!

It is my oxygen.

My life.

My love.

My happiness.

It teaches me about JESUS.

It tells me of  GOD's will, ways, and wisdom.

It explains about SPIRIT, Scripturesin, and salvation.

I teach what SPIRIT teaches me each day.

I can do this, until the day GOD calls me home.

There is no exhaustion in my work.

Only perpetual elation.

What about you?

What work do you have?

Are you happy with it?

Does it fill your heart?

Does it truly serve others?

Or are you looking for something more?

Most professions serve a different god.

When you discover its foundations, you reel in shock.

That's why it's dull, destructive, and soul-deadening.

Are you aware who you really work for?

Be born again, and SPIRIT will teach you GOD's laws.

The HOLY SPIRIT will teach you all about JESUS.

The perfect example of who we all need to be.

Never shall you err again.

Never will anyone suffer by your ways.

Never will you have wrong motivations.

You will be of true service to others.

You will be a true blessing to others.

In ways that please GOD.

Related material:

SIMPLEST calling card


How to have a pure heart


Many Ways To Be Kind

FOUNDATION ("Work Made Noble")

BORN AGAIN articles

RIGHT work

The RIGHT profession

 Zechariah 7:9-10 King James Version 9 Thus speaketh the Lord of hosts,  saying,  Execute true judgment,  and shew mercy and compassions  ev...